Guldsmeden Manon Les Suites
Stepping into 5-starred Guldsmeden Manon Les Suites is like entering a little slice of Bali in the heart of Copenhagen.
Right behind the lakes, Manon Les Suites lies nestled amongst several main attractions right on pulsating HC Andersens Boulevard. The hotel boasts five stars and 87 suites, all encircling the stunning atrium yard with the exotic pool on the ground floor. With hanging plants, lamps, Balinese penjor poles and palms wherever you look, it’s like being transported to more southern clime, right in the heart of Copenhagen.
This exclusive hotel is part of the Guldsmeden chain, where all hotels are sustainable and organic certified in the highest order. The chain has a bunch of hotels around Denmark as well as in Bali, Reykjavik and more spots around the globe. A common feature amongst the hotels is the modern, boutique and personal feel of the spaces.
Manon Les Suites oozes luxurious boheme and besides the stunning pool area, the organic restaurant and bar with adjacent rooftop terrace is a big draw. The roof of Manon Les Suites also has a combined indoor- and outdoor spa area and of course a gym on the ground floor, where both locals and guest can sweat along before hitting the pool.