The Living Room
In the heart of downtown Copenhagen, you will find the Copenhageners' shared living room with comfy couches and a nice fireplace.
The Living Room lives up to its name. The place is filled with cozy armchairs with footrests, soft couches, blankets, and pillows. This setting calls for lounging.
Here you can order different hot drinks like coffee, chai latte, and a wide variety of tea. You can also buy sweet treats like cake and cookies, and you can buy beer and other alcoholic beverages.
Three split levels
The Living Room is divided into three different levels, and you can sit and enjoy your coffee on each of them. The most pleasant is the basement, from which the café gets its name.
The lowest level in The Living Room is reminiscent of a cave in a very good way. Comfortable leather couches and chairs fill the room, while the glowing candles on the small wooden tables create an intimate and cozy atmosphere.
The Living Room is especially popular on a cold winter's day - when the frost is particularly biting, the fireplace in the basement will warm you right up.