Nils Stærk
In the Northwest part of Copenhagen there’s a strong representation of both Danish and international contemporary art. The man behind is Nils Stærk.
In 1997 Nils Stærk opened his first gallery in his own 3-bedroom apartment in Frederiksberg. He had an eye for upcoming artists, and soon became a man to know within the contemporary art-scene in both Scandinavia and the Americas.
Since then the gallery has moved, and expanded, and is now located in the Northwest part of Copenhagen. The building used to house a car dealership, but now it contains more than 500 square meters of some of the most established contemporary artist’s exhibitions. The gallery has around 5 solo exhibitions a year, and a showroom for changing presentations.
The raw industrial vibe of Northwest in combination with the newly renovated building, and it’s minimalistic interior by Henning Larsen Architects, is perfectly matched with the gallery’s artistic profile. Nils Stærk represents established artists, and their work with different medias, genres and approaches. Their common focus is the conceptual narrative, and both investigation and critical dissemination of current values and conflicts in today’s globalized society.