Taarnet at Nytorv
On Nytorv, just off Strøget, you'll find the Tower on Nytorv.
The iconic building dates from the late 1800s and was originally built as a telephone booth. At the time, the tower was manned and you could make phone calls for a fee. Today, the tower is a listed building, and you'll find several other beautiful telephone fountain towers in squares around Copenhagen.
Today, the Tower on Nytorv functions as a café with outdoor seating. Taarnet on Nytorv is famous for its great atmosphere and great coffee. The coffee beans are from the Copenhagen roastery Nordic Roasting Co. You can also choose to enjoy a pint of beer or a glass of wine in the sun while following the bustling life on Strøget. On cooler days, you can enjoy hot drinks under the heat lamps of the parasols.
There is also a Taarnet on Kongens Nytorv right in front of D'angleterre.